The news flowing from Afganistan over the past several days has concerned the ten Medical Workers murdered in the Kuran Wa Munjan district of Badakhshan, in the North East of Afghanistan.
Initially, it was reported that the ten victims were likely ambushed by thieves intent only on relieving them of their valuables and their lives. But when the Taliban claimed responsibility, it came as something of a shock to the authorities. The Taliban claimed that the group, most of whom were members of the International Assistance Mission (IAM), were spying for America, and attempting to convert Muslims to Christians. "That is a lie. That is not true at all. IAM is a Christian organisation, we have always been that," said Dirk Franz of the IAM.
If true, however, the proselytizing of Christianity would simply be one of many crimes committed by the group. The foremost being not having submitted to the authority of Islam as Dhimmi, or the “Protected Guilty” unbelievers subject to Sharia Law.
It should not have come as a surprise to Afghan or Western Authorities that the Taliban would target Christians simply on principle. Anyone who has read the Koran would instantly recognize that the looting of the bodies is not only permitted, but encouraged by the Eighth Sura (Chapter 8) of the Koran, aptly titled “The Spoils of War.”
Indeed, it was revealed to Muhammad (May he be wife to a dog) that the spoils of war shall belong to God and Himself exclusively (Sura 8:1), but decided to be generous with his followers keeping one fifth of all booty for himself, and dividing the rest evenly (Sura 8:41).
As followers of Muhammad claim that the mandate to Jihad is merely a command to inner struggle, their lie is laid bare in Chapter 9, Verse 44 which states the following:
Those who believe in god and the last day ask thee for no exemption from jihad with their possessions and their persons. God knows well those who do their duty. (Sura 9:44)
Apparently, according to the Sira (the chronicle of Muhammad’s Life (may he be whore to a pig) by Ibn Ishaq, third most holy book in Islam), this is a reference to Muhammad’s (may his testes be consumed by snakes) first attack on the Byzantine Empire to the north, following his conquest of the Arabian Peninsula. Before the campaign, according to Ibn Ishaq, many of the (false) Faithful begged off the duty to join the attack for various reasons. The above quoted verse was Allah’s revelation to Muhammad (may his manhood rot in rancid vinegar) that their hearts were not true.
What I do find interesting about the attack is that the three women were not also taken as “Spoils of War” as authorized in Chapter 4, Verse 24 of the Koran. Of course, it would have made for bad press in the west, assuming the Taliban care about such things in this kind of exercise.
This is the first of my blogs related to my study of the Koran. I have, in fact, read it cover to cover once a few years ago, and, of course, understood little if any of it. What little I did understand, such as Chapter 9, Verse 44 (the command to wage war) and Chapter 4, Verse 24 (Women as spoils) left me no doubt that the Koran is perhaps one of the most dangerously evil books ever published. If, however, I ever expressed such a sentiment in mixed company, I was, of course, labelled a racist. When I expressed that the Koran did, in fact command the faithful to enslave, kill, or force submission upon unbelievers, I was called a liar.
Being called a racist no longer has meaning. Those who do so simply reveal their ignorance and incapability of rational discourse.
Being called a liar, does, and I’ll stand for it no longer.
And so, I have taken it upon myself to begin my quiet, or maybe not so quiet, study of the world’s most violent theology. Violent because it commands murder, encourages dishonesty and demands to be placed above all for an Islamic World. Whereas Christianity and Judaism are concerned with faith in God and living a good life in preparation for the next, Allah demands Muslims establish his kingdom on Earth through violent action.
I’d like to give public thanks to Robert Spencer, whose books have been, and will continue to be a fabulous guide to the Koran. Personally I’ve started my studies with The Truth About Muhammad and Islam Unveiled. I have also used several translations of the Koran including those available online.
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